What is SSIC Code & ROC in Singapore?

6 min read|Last Updated: July 8, 2024|

An SSIC code, or Singapore Standard Industrial Classification Code, categorizes a company’s business operations in Singapore. ROC, or Registrar of Companies, regulates all the companies and aspiring entrepreneurs in the country.

Letitia - Business Development

The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) is a statutory board in Singapore that regulates the regulation of corporations and public accountants, as well as facilitating business development. ACRA Singapore also has the authority to impose composition penalties and issue court summonses to firms that fail to comply with the Companies Act’s continuing compliance requirements.

What are SSIC Codes in Singapore?

The government in Singapore uses SSIC codes to track the number of business activities in each category. The authorities update these codes regularly based on changes in business activities by the business owners.

The purpose is to make certain that the codes:

  • Keep up with changes in international standards
  • Reflect key changes in the economy
  • Stay informed about new activities

In addition to these purposes, authorities also use these codes for:

  • Determining whether the company’s business activities require any further licenses
  • Determining if a corporation qualifies for special tax benefits

Most Common SSIC Code List Singapore

The following is a non-exhaustive list of the most common SSIC codes according to their respective categories:

Categories Class Codes Business Activity
B2B and Finance 6320 63209 Online marketplaces for services n.e.c
6413 64130 Wholesale banks
6415 64150 Finance companies (with deposit-taking functions)
Consulting 6202 62021 Information technology consultancy (except cybersecurity)
7020 70201 Management consultancy services n.e.c
7112 71126 Engineering design and consultancy services supporting mining, oil and gas extraction, and offshore exploration activities.
Construction/Real Estate 4100 41001 General contractors
4322 43220 Installation of plumbing, heating (non-electric), and air-conditioning systems
6820 68209 Real estate agencies and valuation services
Education & Childcare 8540 85407 Training courses for sports and games
8540 85408 Training courses for music, dancing, art, speech and drama
8540 85409 Educational support services n.e.c (excluding online marketplaces)
Food and Beverage 4710 47102 Mini-marts, convenience stores and provision shops
5611 56111 Restaurants
5611 56112 Cafes
General Services 6109 61099 Other telecommunications activities n.e.c
7710 77101 Resting and leasing of private cars without driver
7810 78104 Employment agencies
Holding Companies 6420 64201 Bank/Financial holding companies
6420 64202 Other holding companies
Health & Beauty 8620 86203 Specialized medical services
8620 86204 Dental services
9602 96022 Beauty salons and spas
Miscellaneous 2830 28300 Installation of industrial machinery and equipment, mechanical engineering works
100 31001 Manufacture of furniture and fixtures of wood
3690 63909 Other information services activites n.e.c
Retail Trade 4731 47311 Retail sale of motor vehicles except motorcycles and scooters
4741 47412 Retail sale of computers hardware (including handheld computers) and computer software
4772 47721 Retail sale of cosmetics and toiletries (including skin care products)
Shipping and Logistics 3011 30110 Building and repairing of ships, tankers and other ocean-going vessels
5222 52222 Shipping agencies
5229 52291 Cargo surveying services
Technology 6201 62013 Development of software for cybersecurity
6311 63119 Dara analytics, processing and related activites n.e.c
6312 63120 Internet search engines
Wholesale 4630 46309 Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco n.e.c
4652 46522 Wholesale of electronic components
4659 46599 Wholesale of medical, professional, scientific and precision equipment

How Do I Search for My SSIC Code?

Here is a step-by-step guide to figuring out what your new company’s SSIC code should be.

Go to the Bizfile website of the Singapore government.

  • Click search after entering the core terms that best define your company’s activity
  • A number of SSIC categories should be listed on the website – choose the one that most closely resembles your company
  • Make sure your keywords are not misspelled and that they are the ones that people use the most when talking about your business
  • If the system fails to generate an SSIC code, try different keyword combinations for better results
  • You can also manually search for your SSIC code as a last step. This paper contains all of the SSIC categories that are relevant to specific business activities.

The list of SSIC codes can be found on ACRA’s keyword search engine. Click on the link to find out which type of business category you should input in your principal activity!

How Do I Input the Right SSIC Code?

Naturally, while choosing your SSIC code for your company’s primary activities, it is preferable to choose one that corresponds to the activities for which you are seeking a business license.

If your organisation is a financial holding company, for example, the SSIC code 64201 would be appropriate. You can then apply for the requisite license to conduct business within Singapore’s borders.

Keep in mind, however, that Singapore’s Inland Revenue levies a high corporate tax on holding companies. They are also ineligible for the majority of tax deductions.

Finally, a specific description of your business activity for your business profile is a good idea. It is not necessary for this description to be longer than one page. The SSIC standard description is not required because ACRA enables for a more accurate business activity description to be written during registration.

How to change SSIC Code in Singapore

To change a company’s SSIC Code, the company secretary needs to apply to Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). The SSIC Code can only be updated after incorporation is complete. There is no maximum number of times to which the code can be altered.

Limitation of SSIC Code for Singaporean Companies

Though acquiring an SSIC Code for Singaporean Companies has multiple benefits, it comes with its limitations. A business needs to possess a minimum of one SSIC Code. Note that the maximum number of SSIC codes a company can hold is two.

How Do I Register a Company with ACRA?

All foreigners must register their Singapore company through a professional Singapore-based corporate services firm, according to Singapore company law. Singaporeans can hire a corporate services firm or do it themselves by following the steps below:

  • Log in to the Bizfile site with your CorpPass or SingPass digital ID
  • Make an application for the company name
  • Once the name has been approved, you will be given a name approval transaction number
  • Enter information about your company’s structure, such as the names and identifying information of company directors, company secretary, and shareholders; the business’s registration address; the company constitution; and so on, using the name approval transaction number.
  • Make a payment for your business’s registration fee.
  • You will receive an email message shortly after making the payment alerting you that your company has been successfully registered.
  • This email provides your company’s Unique Entity Number (UEN), which also serves as an electronic certificate of formation.
Letitia - Business Development


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Can I change my SSIC code?2021-12-08T17:47:34+08:00

By passing a directors’ resolution, the SSIC code can be altered. The directors who are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company should convene a board meeting or reach an agreement to make this adjustment. 

What is ACRA?2021-12-08T17:47:24+08:00

ACRA stands for the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority and is the main government body that is tasked with overseeing company registration, including signing up for the SSIC code. ACRA will review your filing documents to ensure that you have registered for the correct SSIC code. 

What if I register for the incorrect SSIC code?2021-12-08T17:45:49+08:00

ACRA examines your registration documents every time you form a new business. To ensure the accuracy and completeness of information, some documents are transferred to other government organisations. If you register for the erroneous SSIC code, your business’ registration may be delayed, and you may be required to provide additional evidence for approval. 

How many SSIC codes can a company have?2021-12-08T17:44:07+08:00

Usually, a company has one SSIC code, but they can apply for an additional code if there are multiple lines of business. 

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